ore_wa_gundam Jul 25, 2008 15:11
i love you saji bb, when it rains it pours, cannot become gundam, on talking terms now lolol, y u do dis to me, tired setsuna is tired, pessimistic setsuna is pessimistic, saji bb you made him have a heart attack, saji, going crazy right now, everything happens at once
ore_wa_gundam Jul 21, 2008 08:46
going crazy right now, event:fourth wall, tired setsuna is tired, confused setsuna is confused
ore_wa_gundam Jul 04, 2008 18:40
i love you saji bb, tattoooooooo, sad setsuna is sad, event:ff3, tired setsuna is tired, pessimistic setsuna is pessimistic, dreams, manor of sleep, quietly breaking down, saji, going crazy right now, nightmare
ore_wa_gundam Jul 03, 2008 19:34
miss my real mommy, pessimistic setsuna is pessimistic, sad setsuna is sad, hallucinations tiems, going crazy right now, event:ff3, tired setsuna is tired
ore_wa_gundam Jun 05, 2008 20:20
touch kanan and die, infatuation, gonna kill someone, kanan, angry setz is angry, soma peries, mizore, going crazy right now, loves his big sister
ore_wa_gundam Apr 02, 2008 10:25
gundaaaaaaammmm, going crazy right now, oh lol val, exia, lol setz spam